Imagine a locally owned & operated factory that handcrafts high quality solar panels that are installed on our local rooftops.

CHERP Solar Works created the
first ever, locally-based, non-profit
solar panel assembly factory and is now incubating this model in cities across the country.
We are building a brighter, cleaner and more community-oriented future for our communities.
The assembly factory will have a small footprint of only 6,000 ft², but create 213 middle class manufacturing and construction jobs. When you include indirect jobs, there will be 763 new jobs in total at peak production.
Installing locally made, 6,000 CLGP solar systems will save our LMI households $6.5 Million every year, will be maintained by cap-and-trade carbon-credit funding and are projected to last 25+ years.
Monthly savings - an increase in Disposable Personal Income (DPI) - are spent locally, increasing a family’s quality of life and growing the local economy. DPI spending ($6.5 Million per year) increases city revenues by 12% and state revenues by a 2:1 ratio.
Carbon Mitigation
Reduce Carbon by: 2.3 lbs/yr/$
26,658 MT/yr at 1,000 MT/yr/$M
Job Creation
Create 763 peak jobs at 12 jobs/ $1 mil
128 permanent indirect jobs for 25 years
To read more about CHERP Solar Works,
the full white paper can be found HERE.