Job Creation
Phase I of CHERP Solar Works: create 763 Direct and Indirect Jobs for the next 2.5 yrs
91 Direct Manufacturing Jobs
122 Direct Construction Jobs
550 Indirect Jobs for 2.5 years
128 Permanent Indirect Jobs for 25+ years
Phase II: replicate the CHERP model of local solar manufacturing in other cities

Local workers will be trained and employed to manufacture, install, and service solar panels
that are constructed by people from our community.
Most solar panel production projects outsource the labor of creating solar panels overseas because they believe that production costs will be reduced outside the United States. While this has been true in the past, by combining new technology that radically simplifies the panel manufacturing process with a powerful non-profit business model that drives down costs even further, we are now able to bring back middle class manufacturing jobs to our communities that contribute to the economy and the environment at the same time.

Job Creation Potential of CHERP Solar Works
The purple section at the bottom represents 33 direct manufacturing jobs created by CHERP Solar Work's solar panel assembly operation.
The light brown section represents 58 "tabbing" (soldering wires on solar cells) direct manufacturing jobs. Many of these jobs can be done in intellectually disabled workshop environments.
The light blue represents 87 direct construction jobs installing solar panels on rooftops. Since we anticipate installing 6,000 residential systems in 2 years, we will be developing procedures to install solar PV systems on entire neighborhoods at once.
The green represents 35 direct construction jobs necessary to retrofit 800 residences for maximum energy efficiency as part of CHERP Solar Works Phase I. In order to take Claremont to Net Zero Energy, we need to achieve 25% energy savings through energy efficiency.
The red, dark brown, dark blue, dark green, black and grey sections represent an additional 550 indirect jobs of various classification types according to the RIMS II (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis) economic models used for these projections. These indirect jobs are driven by the direct manufacturing and construction jobs described above.
Finally, the black "tail" portion of the diagram represents an additional 124 ongoing, indirect jobs sustained for at least the 25-year energy production life of the panels that keep saving 6,000 households $6.5 Million per year in energy costs.
After economic multipliers, the local sales base impact is about +12%: a $29M increase on an existing $250M in sales. CHERP has about the employment, economic impact and increased city revenues of adding two large car dealerships, or a medium sized shopping mall to the community - all without consuming any land, without adding any traffic, and without cannibalizing any existing business or demanding any new city infrastructure.
To read more about CHERP Solar Works,
the full white paper can be found HERE.