Supporting Partners
We're grateful for our partners who have supported us in a variety of ways as we
created the first non-profit, solar panel assembly factory in the world and are now replicating our model across the country.
America's Job Center of California
American Institute for Progressive Democracy
American Museum of Ceramic Arts
Assemblymember Chris Holden
Bitterroot College (Montana)
Build It Green
Cal Poly Pomona
CGU Center for Supply Chain & Logistics
City Manager of Claremont
City of Claremont
City of Pomona
Claremont Chamber of Commerce
Claremont Community Foundation
Claremont COURIER
Claremont School of Theology
Claremont Unified School District
Claremont United Church of Christ
Sustainability Committee
Clean & Green Pomona
Cobb Institute
Collective Sun
CRW Energy
dA Arts Center
Democrats for Justice - Delegates of the 41st
Assembly District (Assemblyman Holden)
Developing Leaders
Di Stefano Cheese
Efficiency First California
Employment Means Success
Gould Assest Management
Harvey Mudd College
Haynes Foundation
Heartland Coalition
Holden / California State Assembly
Home Performance Insulation and Solar
House of Hope
HMP Solar
Indivisible Claremont
Inland Empire United Way
Institute for Ecological Civilization
La Nueva Voz
Lewis Group of Companies
Managed Career Solutions
Mt. Sac Regional Consortium for Adult Education
Pando Populus
Pomona Chamber of Commerce
Pomona College
Pomona Unified School District
Pomona's Promise
Progressive Christians Uniting
PUSD - Adult & Career Education
San Antonio PRO
San Gabriel Conservation Corps
San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
State of California
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, LA County Supervisor
Sustainable Claremont
Technical Employment Training (TET)
The 20/20 Network
The Youth and Family Club of Pomona Valley
TSO Greenhouses
Uncommon Good
United Nations Pomona Valley Chapter
Vera & Barbosa Attorneys at Law
Wheeler-Steffen Sotheby's Broker
Workforce Development Aging Community Services
Zero Carbon Communities
